Marriage Licenses

Residents of the state intending to be joined in marriage shall record the notice of their intentions in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which at least one of them resides. If only one of the parties resides in the State, the parties shall file their intentions in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which the one is a resident of. If both parties reside out of state, they may file their intentions in any municipal office.

The intentions or worksheet takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. It asks questions such as-name, residence, place of birth, date of birth of the bride and groom and the names and place of birth of parents, and mother's maiden name. If either the bride or groom has been married previously, they need to bring with them a copy of the divorce decree or death certificate of the former spouse-having a raised seal for authenticity. After the couple has completed the form the clerk will type the marriage license and have the couple review and sign it. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State of Maine. The license is valid for 90 days from the date the intentions are filed. The cost of the license is $40 payable to the municipality. Certified copies are $15.